MCCoy & Associates

Consultants to Chiropractors & the Profession

Throughout history, the major problems of health that men have faced have been concerned with community life…


George Rosen

The Origins of Public Health

Chiropractic can no longer rely on changing the world “one spine at a time” – there are too many sick and suffering people and there are too many things working against the profession. Chiropractors must become leaders in their communities on health related issues and start changing the masses from the top down instead of the bottom up. Mobilizing for action through community wide strategic planning is a crucial piece of this puzzle.

Using Community Needs Assessment chiropractors help facilitate communities to prioritize their health issues and identify resources for addressing them. Community ownership is the fundamental component of a Community Needs Assessment because the community’s strengths, needs, and desires drive the process. We provide the chiropractor with the training and framework for creating a truly community driven health improvement initiative.


Community participation leads to collective thinking and, ultimately, results in effective, sustainable solutions to complex problems. Broad community participation is essential because a wide range of organizations and individuals contribute to the public’s health. Through a Community Needs Assessment public, private, and voluntary organizations join community members and informal associations in the process of improving the community’s health. The chiropractor leads and facilitates this process bringing these diverse interests together to collaboratively determine the most effective way to improve the community’s health.


Through a detailed training and consultative process we will help you develop and implement your own Community Needs Assessment. Contact us for details about this service.

McCoy & Associates

4390 Bells Ferry Road
Kennesaw, Georgia 30144
Phone: 404.247.2550
FAX: 678.445.1459

To contact us:

Community Needs Assessment

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.”


Margaret Mead - Anthropologist